Kizhi Treatment

Kizhi refers to a sachet or a bundle made of muslin cloth, which contains rice, herbal powders, leaves, or even sand. Physicians warm these bundles and gently massage them across the body or specific body parts depending on the prescription. Always make sure that you consult with physician before starting treatment since each condition requires a specific type of kizhi and application format. The intention is for the body to absorb the medication from the sachet or poultice and sweat from all the heat applied. Physicians apply kizhi usually to specific parts of the body by placing them in these locations for a specific period by applying gentle pressure. This procedure has many benefits.

  • The dry heat and the medicinal influence of kizhis are great in overcoming vata rogas, but physicians avoid this procedure in predominantly pitta conditions.
  • Reducing stress
  • This treatment improves blood circulation across the body, thus relieving the body from stiffness, fatigue, and the other physical and psychological symptoms caused by stress.
  • Controlling pain
  • Vata aggravation often leads to musculoskeletal and joint pains. The heat from the warm kizhis reduces vata roga and alleviates the associated pain. Improved circulation also helps the muscle tissues to recover faster. This treatment is especially effective in the case of back pain.
  • Other effects of enhancing circulation
  • Enhanced circulation means increased sweating; hence the body easily eliminates toxic body wastes easily. This helps in rejuvenation and in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, osteoarthritis, sciatica, neuralgia, and spondylolysis.
  • Sports injuries
  • The combined effect of herbal medication, heat, and massage helps in the treatment of sports injuries when performed under the supervision of a certified doctor across multiple sittings.
  • Weight loss
  • Kizhi leads to heat-stimulated perspiration, which helps lose body weight. For the same reason and because the body’s blood circulation is enhanced, kizhi is great for the skin and delays aging.